Lords: This is the highest order on the manor.
If a lord was really wealthy, they might even have a castle! All the work of maintaining the land and castle was
basically given to the serfs, so the lord just had to be a manager. He managed all the workers and made
sure they were doing what they were supposed to.

Bailiffs: A bailiff was hired by the lord if the manor grew too large for
the lord to manage all by himself. The bailiff would help the lord manage
the serfs. Their life was pretty cush, too.

Serfs: These guys had it rough, but they weren't servants. This is
the lowest order of class on a manor. Serfs gave their land to the lord
in exchange for protection. They had to spend at least 3 days a week
working for the lord, farming the land, repairing the castle, or digging moats.
They didn't know much of the world outside of the manor because they spent all
their time working.

-Pick either lord, bailiff, or serf, and draw that person.
-Give them a name and (if appropriate) a title.
-On the right side of the head, write or draw what that person might be
-On the left side of the head write or draw what that person might be seeing.
-Near the hands write or draw what that person might be doing.
-Near the heart write or draw what that person might be feeling.
-At the bottom of the paper write one or two sentences about what this person's
views are about manorialism, or in other words, the social cast system.
Is it fair? Do they like it? What would they change about it?
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